AI Governance Advisory

AI Governance Advisory is your trusted guide in building AI Governance capability and sets the frameworks to adopt AI at scale

We offer a comprehensive and tailored approach that empowers your enterprise to build and operationalize AI governance with confidence. Providing a clear, structured approach to AI governance, we help you build the foundation you need to scale AI responsibly and effectively. Whether you’re just starting or looking to elevate your existing practices, we guide you every step of the way with offerings designed to meet your specific needs.

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Meet a Credo AI expert to see how AI Governance Advisory can support your organization

Meet with Credo AI to discuss where your organization is on the AI Governance journey and how AI Governance Advisory can support you. You will also receive an overview with more details about the AI Governance Advisory offering.

Why Credo AI should be your advisor on AI Governance

  • Deep expertise: Our team combines decades of experience in AI governance, policy, and risk management to deliver expert guidance rooted in industry-leading knowledge.
  • Tailored solutions: We don’t believe in a one-size-fits-all approach. Our advisory services are personalized to address your unique needs, ensuring you get the support that aligns with your business and AI goals.
  • Proven track record: We have successfully implemented AI governance programs across industries, helping enterprises scale AI responsibly and cost-effectively.
  • Pioneers in Responsible AI: As trailblazers in AI governance, we’ve shaped the AI governance ecosystem from its inception. Our extensive partnerships and thought leadership in responsible AI allow us to bring the best practices, frameworks, and cutting-edge strategies directly to you

Your Path to Enterprise
AI Governance


Learning the essentials of AI governance

AI Governance Academy key modules:

  • State of AI Governance
  • State of AI Policy
  • AI Risk Management


Taking action & defining your tailored AI governance roadmap

Includes AI Governance Academy

  • Customized AI Governance Maturity Assessment.
  • Recommendations of best practice in terms of principles, risk taxonomy & establishing an AI Governance program.


Operationalizing AI governance on platform through defining risk frameworks and workflows

Includes AI Governance Academy & Sprint

  • Customized AI Governance risk framework & workflow, including process and accountabilities.
  • AI Governance Platform: Operationalize your risk framework and workflows in platform, giving you access to AI Registry with limited features for a limited time

AI Governance for All


The Credo AI Governance Academy is a training program that helps people learn how to use AI safely and responsibly, focusing on the latest regulations, standards, and best practices. It provides hands-on training, expert guidance, and useful tools to help organizations manage AI risks and ensure they follow regulations.


For individuals on AI governance teams that are looking to learn the principles of AI governance with the goal of bringing AI governance into your organization.


Ready to learn what AI governance is and why it’s important.

Time: 1 day of private instructor-led training
  • Gain a certificate of completion in AI governance 
  • Practical AI governance knowledge that sets the foundation to build the function in your organization

AI Governance Team - One or more AI governance champions in your organization—the compliance, risk, or AI stakeholders looking to bring in a framework for AI governance bespoke to your company and industry.


Ready to adopt an AI governance framework into your organization

Time: 2 weeks
  • All of the Academy Outcomes
  • AI governance roadmap bespoke to your organization
  • AI Maturity Assessment


The Credo AI Governance Sprint is a two-week program that includes the 1-day Academy, that helps organizations start or improve their AI governance practices. It includes expert reviews and recommendations, training on AI governance fundamentals, and detailed plans to establish responsible AI principles and accountability structures.


The Credo AI Governance Springboard is a four-week program that helps organizations turn their AI governance principles into practical actions. It includes expert-led workshops, customized risk assessments, and detailed workflows to manage AI systems’ risks and compliance. By the end of the program, organizations will have a clear governance strategy, trained stakeholders, and a comprehensive plan for implementing AI governance at scale.


For individual on AI governance teams; the AI governance lead and corresponding stakeholders, which can include the most direct representatives across Privacy, Risk, Compliance, Legal, AI, Data, and Security teams.


Ready to go from framework to practical actions to govern AI use cases responsibly, safely, and effectively. Ready to spearhead change management.

Time: 4 weeks
  • Launch a full-scale AI governance program in your organization
  • Prepared to govern AI use cases contextually at the use case, department, and model level

For organizations with urgent requirements to comply with a specific AI standard. Usually spearheaded by a Compliance, Legal, or Risk lead.


For enterprises needing to meet a specific regulation, like NY LL-144 (AI-based hiring) or auditable  standard (like ISO 42001).

Time: 4-6 weeks
  • Be audit-ready for a specific regulation or standard

AI Audit Readiness & Assessments

Credo AI Governance Assessment & AI Audit Readiness: A 4 to 6-week program that evaluates AI systems to ensure they meet ethical, technical, and operational standards. This service includes custom assessments, comprehensive audit reports, and actionable recommendations, benefiting enterprises selecting vendor tools and AI vendors aiming to enhance their products’ credibility.

The time for AI governance is now.

With AI governance becoming a competitive differentiator, taking proactive steps will set your enterprise apart as an industry leader.

Get started today by requesting more information about our AI Governance Advisory and a colleague from Credo AI will be reaching out for further conversation on how we can partner to build a governance foundation that empowers your organization to harness AI’s full potential while safeguarding against risk.